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The “text” building block lets you show text to the player. 


In-game view 

The game will show a text that you previously wrote in the Editor.


If you want, the player will also be able to see it on their phone.


How to set it up

  1. Choose whether you want the text to be saved and where to save it to.

2. Give your text a title. 

3. Write or copy the text to be as long as you need it to be. 


4. You can add images.


5. Background image: Optional. Add an image to customize the background of the text.

6. Assign sound: Upload an audio file or assign a synthetic voice to read the text.

7. Additional settings:
Building block visible for the player: Unmark this option if you don’t want the text to be shown in the game and just saved in the phone for later reference.
Countdown: Mark this option so the player cannot skip the reading. Time will be automatically calculated on the number of characters.


  • Make your text more attractive by including bullet points, graphics, icons, etc. 
  •  Custom format your text.
  • Add context by incorporating images. For example, put pictures of food if it’s a menu, put a government seal if it’s an official document, a header if it’s an email, ink stains if it is a letter, etc.
  • You can add a background image to the text to customize your game.
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