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About templates and versioning

Using a template in Editor

With the Editor, you can create your own game from scratch or you can use one of the available template games.

Our templates are pre-built stories into which you can place your learning content. You simply add or modify a building block to display your “lessons”. Then, add some knowledge checks and your game is ready. 

There are different templates with different stories designed for different types of learning content e.g. onboarding, product training, sales training. Specific instructions on how to use each of the templates is in the following sections.

Tip: Before customizing it, preview the whole template game to have a better understanding on how the players will interact with your learning content and knowledge checks. 

Be careful:  Although you have complete freedom over the modification / customization of the templates, be careful if you plan to change the storytelling or the basic structure of the game, as it could affect the whole logic of the gameplay experience.

Creating versions of your own game

You can take a previously created game and duplicate it to use as a starting point to create a new game. For example, if you want to make similar games that include different content or you want to experiment with a new ending to your story, you can use this option.

Be careful: If your objective is to translate your game, do not use this option of creating a new version of your game as the language base won’t change. Use the translation tab to make your game available in more languages.

To make a duplicate of a game you have created, there are 2 methods. From the Editor main page you can either:

  1. Click on “Create course”
  2. Alongside the templates, you will also see the games you have created.
  3. Select the course you will use as a template and click next
  4. Give your course a name and select the base language

Be careful: The base language must be the original base language of the game you are using as a template


  1. On the course card, click on the “duplicate” button 

Note: Change the name of the new created game in order to differentiate the different versions.

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