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Add objective

Be careful: This piece works in tandem with “Complete Objective” You must add a “Complete objective” for each objective you add.


With the “add objective” building block, you can guide players through the game, laying out what tasks they must complete to move forward in the story.

You can have the player reach the objective by using the “complete objective” building block.


In-game view

This building block is shown on screen twice: 

  • First, the objective pops up momentarily in the center of the screen.
  • Then, it stays active on the bottom left hand side of the screen until the player completes it.

How to set it up

  1. In the “short text” section, write a quick summary of the objective to be shown in the lower left corner of the player’s screen. The text will stay there until the player completes the objective.

2. In the “full text” section, explain the objective in more detail. Players will read this the first time they’re informed of the objective.



  • Use objectives to guide players through the game. They help players feel they know what they are doing and aren’t lost. Use them as a way of giving instructions.
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