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Class reports

Download a student’s course activity report.

The “Student Report” that you can download from a course shows you the activity summary or “milestones” achieved by the student during the different levels of the course. This report allows you to check the approximate percentage of correct or incorrect answers a student got during the game. 


Students must have been enrolled in a class and started playing after May 2022. 

To download the activity report, follow these steps: 

  1. Access the class in which the student is registered. 
  2. Go to the “Registrations” tab. 
  3. Select the student using the box on the left. 
  4. Click on the three little dots at the top (between the options “Cancel registration” and “Cancel selection”). 

Note: not to be confused with the three dots next to the student’s name. 

  1. Click on the “Download student report” option. 
ℹ️ When you click “Download”, a compressed file in ZIP format will be downloaded and saved. Open it to get the PDF document containing the required data. 

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View and download student’s progress in a class

View the details of a student’s activity in a class 

View and download student’s progress in a class 

In Admin, you can track the progress of the students in a class to closely monitor their progression and connections. Use this information to tailor your communications to them and promote your training plan.


Students should be enrolled in classes. 


  1. Click on the “Classes” button in the left-hand side menu of Admin. 
  2. Click on the name of the class you want to see. 
  3. Click on the “Progress” tab.

The diagram you see on the platform shows you a summary of students who have completed the course, those who are active, and those who have not yet connected.

  1. Use the “Show” filter to display as many students as possible. 
  2. Click on the “Download” button if you want to save the report (the downward arrow icon).
  3. Save the CSV file on your device. 
ℹ️ You can sort the list of students according to the information you’re interested in by clicking on the arrow next to each column: for example, by points, by progress, or date of connection. Click once to sort the list in ascending order and twice for descending order. 

Additional information

To receive a weekly progress report  (up to when class closes), be sure to select yourself as a “Human Resources” agent (under the class information tab, in the “Administrators” section). 

View the details of a student’s activity in a class 

See how your students are progressing in detail. You can use this more comprehensive overview of each student’s sessions to tailor your communications as needed. 


Students should be enrolled in classes. 


  1. Click on the “Classes” button in the left-hand side menu of Admin.
  2. Click on the name of the class you want to see. 
  3. Click on the “Registrations” tab.
  4. Find the student whose information you wish to view. 

Note: you can use the search filter if you need to. 

  1. Click on the button with the three dots. 
  2. Click on “View progress”.

Note: click on the printer button if you want to print the document. 

ℹ️ You can also check how each student is doing from the “Progress” tab of a class. You’ll find a graph icon to the right of each student indicating that they’ve already logged in to the training and will also allow you to see individual progress.

Video — Student’s progress and connection status

In this video, you will see how to check the student’s progress and the connection details.

Viewing a class’s final surveys

You can also see students’ end-of-class opinion surveys on the Admin. 


Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Students” section on the left-hand menu of Admin.
  2. From the class list, click on the class in question.
  3. Click on the “Surveys” tab.

There you will be able to see their survey results and comments.

Use the “Filter” option to refine your search. For example, you could select all students who gave the course a 10, search by email to find a specific student’s feedback, or filter by the applicability score given.

ℹ️ Remember: you can download more detailed information about your class by going to “Survey list” in the “Reports” section. 

Convert CSV files to XLS

When downloading any report (e.g. the progress of a class) using the download icon (downward arrow button) the file is saved in CSV format by default. You can convert it to Excel format (XLS) and separate it by columns to adapt it to your tools. 


Download a CSV report from the Admin.

  1. Open Excel or your usual spreadsheet application.
  2. Click on “File”. 
  3. Click on “Open”.
  4. Select the CSV document previously downloaded onto your device. 
  5. Choose the option to separate data by spaces, commas, and columns.

When you open the CSV document, Excel or a similar program will give you these options to separate the data.

  1. Save the file in XLS format. 

Additional information

You can also open the CSV file by clicking on the downloaded document. When you open it, you’ll see a box where you must have the following options selected: 

  • Unicode UTF-8 (character).
  • Separated by: tab, comma, semicolon. 
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