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Click on still frame

In this minigame, the player must click on one or more areas in a sequence of images.



The player will see a series of images in which they must find one or more predetermined areas. As an admin, you can also mark some areas as incorrect to make it more difficult.

The minigame is solved when the player clicks on all of the correct areas, which can be in any of the images.


The player will have to click “play” to start the game. The game will flash a new image every two seconds, but the player can pause, rewind, or fast forward at any time to find the solution.

How to set it up

1.When accessing the game, you’ll see a default message for the player. If you want to give them more context, you can write a brief text in the “Description.” This is optional though.


2. Add a still frame and select an image from the library. 


3. Add a clickable area and give it a name. You can create the clickable area by drawing directly on the image.


4. Indicate if that area is correct or incorrect.


5. If you want to add another clickable area for the player to find, click “add clickable area” again.

6. Indicate if you want the areas not marked as “correct” to count as wrong if the player clicks on them.


8. Indicate if you want the player to click on the correct areas in any particular order.

9. You can change the order of an image’s clickable areas by dragging and dropping them. You can also delete them by clicking on the trash can.


10. If you want the player to see how many they’ve gotten right and how many are left, check the “Show correct/total” box.


11. Add the time (in seconds) that the player will have to answer.

12. Add the images you want and follow the same set-up process. You don’t need to add a clickable area to every image.

Note: The “Buy solution” option is always marked by default in order to not block the player in the game. You can unmark this option but take into consideration that the player will be stuck in the game if he doesn’t have the answer

Tricks and tips

  • This building block is one of the most powerful and versatile in your arsenal. It can help you solve any problem by clicking on an image, diagram, scheme, scene, learning model, etc.
  • Minigames can help you break the monotony of a course by making it more playful and interactive.
  • Minigames are a great tool for constructing your story.
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