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Evaluation survey

Be careful: The Evaluation Survey block can only be used once in a game and should go at the very end.



The Evaluation Survey building block allows the player to answer 4 standard questions so you can evaluate your game and your learners satisfaction with it.

The answers and the NPS will be reported in the Admin Tool.

No configuration necessary, this block is already prepared for you.

In-game view

Here are the 4 questions asked in the survey:


Admin view

Survey results will be reported in the Admin Tool.


In the “Class” section, you will see different metrics for your game in the “Survey Tab” and “Dashboard Tab”:

  • The application rate : % of yes or no
  • The recommendation rate : % of yes or no (Yes is equal or higher than 7/10)
  • The opinion (% calculated on the recommendation)
  • The written comments
  • The NPS

Metrics will also appear on the general Dashboard and in the Survey Tab per Student but for all the games played in the Campus.

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