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Manage students in classes

Enroll students in classes

Register students in your classes so they can take courses at the desired time.


  • Have classes created.
  • Have free seats or previously existing students, or have credits available.


  1. Log in to Admin.
  2. Click on the “Enrollment” tab of the class in which you want to enroll students. 
  3. Click on the enrollment option of your choice:
    1. Invite students
    2. Select existing students
    3. Add student list
    4. Add students
    5. Upload CSV 
  4. Follow the instructions for the selected option. 
  5. Save changes

Once registered, you can refresh and check that your list is complete in the “Enrollments” tab. 

ℹ️ Note: Learners enrolled directly in a class (that weren’t previously enrolled) will not receive any notifications until the day the class begins. If the class has already started when the student enrolls, the class start notification will be sent instantly.

Enroll students individually in a class

You’re able to add individual students to a class from the Admin. 

To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the “Classes” tab in the left-hand side menu in Admin. 
  2. Select the corresponding class. 
  3. Select the “Enrollment” tab. 
  4. Click on “Add students.”
  5. Select the “Add student” option.
  6. Fill in the information of the student in question (email address is a mandatory field for registration).
  7. Click the “Save” button.
ℹ️ Note: Learners enrolled directly in a class (that weren’t previously enrolled) will not receive any notifications until the day the class begins. If the class has already started when the student enrolls, the class start notification will be sent instantly.

Enroll existing students in a class

You’re able to add existing students to a class from the Admin. 

To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the “Classes” tab in the left-hand side menu in Admin. 
  2. Select the corresponding class. 
  3. Go to the “Enrollment” tab. 
  4. Click on “Add students”.
  5. Choose the “Select existing students” option.
  6. Select the corresponding student. 
  7. Click on the “Enroll” button.
  8. Click the “Save” button.

Change class students

If you wish to do so, you can change students from one class to another. This option is useful if, for example, you have a student enrolled in a class that has already expired and would like to give them more time, and you’d like to enroll them in another open class without having to extend the original one. It’s also an interesting option if you want someone to play with other teammates.


  • Have more than one class of the same game.


  1. Click on the “Classes” tab in the left-hand side menu in Admin. 
  2. Click on the name of the class in which the student is enrolled. 
  3. Go to the “Enrollment” tab. 
  4. Select the student whose class you wish to change. 
  5. Click on the button with the three dots at the top (next to the “Extend” and “Cancel registration” options). 
  6. Click on the “Change class” option. 
  7. From the drop-down menu, select the target class you want to move your selected student to.

The drop-down will only show classes where a change is possible. 

  1. Click the “Change class” button. 

Check the pop-up at the bottom left for a confirmation or error notification after making the change. 

ℹ️ ️ Remember: this option can’t be undone.
ℹ️ This function isn’t possible in subsidized classes.

Extend individual students in a class

Some students’ enrollment may expire before the end date of the class in which they’re enrolled. This is due to the time limit set when creating the class in the “Course access period (in weeks)” field under the “Group information” tab. However, you can extend your game period at any time.  


  • Have students enrolled in a class. 
  • The class must have an end date after your student’s individual enrollment expiry.


  1. Go to the “Classes” tab in the left-hand side menu in Admin.
  2. Click on the class in which the student is enrolled. 
  3. Go to the “Enrollment” tab. 
  4. Select the student whose enrollment you want to extend. 
  5. Click on the “Extend” button that appears after selecting the profile. 
  6. Click on the calendar to display the date options. 
  7. Choose the end date you wish to give to the student. 
  8. Save changes
ℹ️ Remember, you won’t be able to extend the student beyond the end date of the class.
ℹ️  If your class doesn’t have an end date, you can extend the student without a limit (until the end of your subscription). In this case, we recommend that you enable the “Automatic extension” option. 

Video – Extend individual students in a class

In this video, you’ll see how to extend an individual enrollment.

Add student list to a class

In the Admin, you can add several students to a class at once using a table by filling in the cells or copying and pasting from another document. 

To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to Admin.
  2. Click on the “Classes” tab on the left-hand side.
  3. Go to the corresponding class. 
  4. Click the “Enrollment” button. 
  5. Click on the blue “Add student” button.
  6. Select the “Add list of students” option.
  7. Fill in the cells or copy and paste the information from another document. 
  8. Once you’ve filled in all the fields (email address is required), click on the “Add students” button to save the information. 

Enroll students from a CSV

The “Upload CSV” option allows you to add a list with a large number of students quickly and easily. 


To upload your student list in this format (we recommend this for lists of more than 100 students) follow these steps: 

  1. Click on “Classes” in the left-hand side menu in Admin.
  2. Select the corresponding class. 
  3. Select the “Enrollment” tab. 
  4. Click on “Add student”.
  5. Select the “Upload CSV” option.
  6. Download the sample CSV (our template).
  1. Open the CSV file you just saved on your computer.
  2. Delete the sample users.
  3. Copy or paste your data into the table, keeping with the formatting of the columns. Remember that email address is the only mandatory field. 
  4. Save the file, keeping it with the original template format (CSV). 
  5. Upload the file to the platform using the “Upload CSV” option.
  6. Wait for the confirmation prompt that appears at the end of the upload. If an error message appears, check the document for any mistakes. 

Video – Enroll students from a CSV

In this video, you’ll see how to enroll learners in a class using a CSV file.

Invite students through the self-enrollment option

Gamelearn lets you automate student enrollment. When this option is activated, a registration link to a class will be automatically generated. You can share this link with your employees who will then be able to self-enroll in the class you’ve created (for the requested game and on the defined dates). 


  • Have the self-registration option activated. Contact your CSM directly to arrange this.


  1. Click on “Classes” in the left-hand menu 
  2. Select the corresponding class.
  3. Click the “Enrollment” button.
  4. Select the “Invite students” option.
  5. Activate the button. 
  6. Share the class link with your employees, who will receive an email to confirm their enrollment in the assigned class. 
To avoid unwanted enrollments, we recommend defining valid domains for self-enrollment so only your employees with corporate email can enroll in your class (no one else will be able to do so if you don’t authorize their email extension).

Additional information

The self-enrollment option also allows you to create a limit for students who can self-enroll per class as well as set alerts for when a certain number of students have enrolled (both optional). 

Video – Enroll students (all options except CSV)

In this video, you’ll see how to enroll learners in a class (all options except CSV).

Cancel the enrollment of students in classes


Have students with an active enrollment and who haven’t completed a course.  

From the platform, it’s possible to withdraw a student or cancel their registration. 

To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the “Classes” section in the left-hand side menu of Admin. 
  2. Find the class the student is enrolled in.
  3. Click on the “Enrollment” section within the class.
  4. Select the student you want to withdraw by clicking on the box on the left.
  5. Select the “Cancel enrollment” option.
ℹ️️ Remember you won’t be able to cancel an already completed enrollment. 
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